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Thursday, June 24, 2010

"I Wouldn't Do That If I Were You"!

Let's talk about your dreams today. Not your dreams from last nights slumber, but I mean your dreams about life and all the things you'd love to do but keep putting off. One of mine was to work in independent movies, but, as I was warned by many people,"I wouldn't do that if I were you because _______________" (fill in blank). There are many reasons not to do something, mostly related to the possibility of failure and failure is a enormous possibility in many career paths.
     Let's face it, I know there are things you'd like to do and I know there are people telling you you shouldn't because: You might fail, you can't afford it, your wasting your time, you went to college for this why do that, and the list goes on and on. I beg you, if you have a dream at least try to pursue it. Excuses are so easy to come by, but reasons to do it are harder to come by. If your dream is film-making do it! It's hard, time consuming, the film might not make any money and if your like me and like doing voiceover, well that's hard, time consuming and you might not make any money. OK... dully noted.

     I had a conversation with a young man last week. (He's a young man because he's younger than me). He was complaining to a friend how hard it is to find a job in accounting, the field he just graduated college from, so in my desire to help him I suggested he knock on the doors of some local accountants. He says none are hiring. I say "offer your services to do taxes for people", he says"well it's not really tax season". The whole time he barely looks at me. I'm sitting here thinking to myself that this kid doesn't want to do accounting. I asked him what does he really like doing? His eyes looked up and for the first time in our conversation he smiled and said "I LOVE working on cars"! He stared me in the eyes and said it! I could see that he loved working on cars. My next question seemed dumb to him. I asked "Why don't you work on cars instead of doing accounting?" to which he replied "Because I went to school for accounting".

     I went on to bore him with stuff like "Work on cars and use your accounting skills to start your own business". At this point I guess he figured I was just some older guy who has no concept of how tough life can be so we both moved on. I feel sorry for him that he didn't want to hear the message I was trying to share. "Do something you want to, not what everyone else thinks you should do". Sure you need that regular job to pay the bills, but don't be afraid to try things that interest you and might be outside your comfort zone. If I was afraid I would have never tried acting, would never have done voice-acting and would have never met half the people I know today.

     If you have ever wanted to do voice-over, acting, jet skiing, parachuting, knitting or anything else just search the web. There are hundreds of sites that can help you get started, but check the negative attitude at the door, it will only stop you and stop you FAST! Check out some of the links on this blog to get started in voice-over, video and film. There aren't too many at this point but I am slowly building the list. I know... very slowly but they will be there. Until then just type whatever it is you want to do into Google or Yahoo and you will find people that want to help you succeed.

     I am lucky because my wife, family and friends support me in the things I do because they know it doesn't do any good to tell me it can't be done. The next time someone, when referring to your dreams says "I wouldn't do that if I were you" just smile and think to yourself "I am so glad your not me", then march forward!

     Coming up in near future blogs I'll be interviewing actors, directors and screenwriters who have been told not to follow their dreams. Did they listen to people? Like I said....they are actors, directors and screenwriters.

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